woensdag 12 februari 2020

Karin Bos at Museum CAB Burgos

solo show Karin Bos at Museum CAB in Burgos, Spain

'Los Ojos del Extranjero - Expedición Naturaleza'
'The Eyes of the Foreigner - Expedition Nature'

7 Feb - 20 Sep 2020

click on the link for video:

Museo CAB Centro de Arte Caja de Burgos
 feb 7 - may 24 2020
Free entry at Museum CAB Burgos, Calle Saldana s/n, Burgos
Opening solo show Karin Bos on February 7 2020 and artist talk on February 8 2020 at Museum CAB in Burgos 
Title at entry show Karin Bos
Entry wall with title and Back to Basecamp installation

Karin Bos, Back to basecamp, installation at Museum CAB
Detail Back to Basecamp installation, mixed media, inspired by Iceland

Karin Bos, detail Back to Basecamp installation, mixed media, at Museum CAB
Karin Bos, detail Back to Basecamp installation; etching on copperplate
Karin Bos, detail Back to Basecamp installation, mixed media, at Museum CAB


Karin Bos, 5 oil paintings inspired by the landscape of Picos de Urbion, Museum CAB 
Karin Bos, Lake 2 and Parade, oil on canvas, Museum CAB

Karin Bos, Abyss 1 and 2, Red Army 2, oil on canvas, Museum CAB
Karin Bos, Red Army 2, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, collection Museum CAB

Karin Bos, This land is my land 1, tempera on canvas, Abyss 1 and 2, oil on canvas, Museum CAB
Exhibition Karin Bos at Museum CAB, room 1
Karin Bos, Parade, This land is my land 2, Those who wander are not lost 2, at Museum CAB

Karin Bos, This land is my land 2, tempera on canvas and Those who wander are not lost 2, gouache on paper, at Museum CAB

Karin Bos, This land is my land 2, Those who wander are not lost 2, The artist going to the top, at Museum CAB
Karin Bos, Room 1 with see through to room 2 at Museum CAB Burgos


Karin Bos, Ghosttown, oil on canvas, Museum CAB

Karin Bos, Ghost town and Stay or go, oil on canvas, at CAB Burgos

Karin Bos, room 2 at Museum CAB show, paintings of shelters and ruins inspired by travels through Spain
Karin Bos, Stay or go, oil on canvas, 85 x 120 cm

Karin Bos, room 2 of solo show at Museum CAB
Karin Bos, Shifting Views and Valparaiso, oil on canvas, at Museum CAB

Karin Bos, paintings in room 2 at Museum CAB

Karin Bos, 4 paintings in room 2 at Museum CAB
Karin Bos, Shifting Views 2, Bar, Power house, oil on canvas, Museum CAB
Karin Bos, room 2 with see through to room 3 at Museum CAB

Karin Bos, Travel Agent, installation in cooperation with Erik Wuthrich, at Museum CAB
The installation Travel Agent is inspired by a travel along the river Duero.
The lower bottles contain the water from the end of the river and the upper bottles contain water from the well.

Water color on paper and blown glass objects, water and sealing wax.

Travel Agent by Karin Bos and Erik Wuthrich at Museum CAB Burgos. The watercolor on paper depicts the well at Picos de Urbion where the river Duero starts.
Detail blown glass objects containing water from the river Duero.

Watercolor on paper depicts the collecting of water at Porto at the end of the river Duero.
Karin Bos, Travel Agent installation, and Ghost town, oil on canvas at Museum CAB


Room 3 of solo show Karin Bos at Museum CAB
Karin Bos, Marching girls 2, De Peiling, Let it go, oil on canvas, at Museum CAB
Karin Bos, The Pool, 3 paintings, and Slightly creepy camping site 8, at CAB Burgos
Karin Bos, Going underground 3 and The Pool, both oil on canvas.
Room 3 of solo show Karin Bos at Museum CAB, 7 feb - 24 may 2020
Karin Bos, Mirror and Caldera, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm
Karin Bos solo show, Los ojos del extranjero - Expedition nature at Museum CAB
Room 3 of Karin Bos' solo show, Los ojos del extranjero - Expedition nature at Museum CAB
Karin Bos, Jungle boys, oil on canvas. Screen in the hall shows video Shifting Views in cooperation with Erik Wuthrich
Karin Bos, Installation view in room 3 at Museum CAB
Karin Bos, Installation view in room 3 at Museum CAB
Karin Bos, Installation view in room 3 at Museum CAB
Karin Bos, detail installation view, mixed media, in room 3 at Museum CAB
Karin Bos, detail installation view, mixed media, in room 3 at Museum CAB
Karin Bos, Keep walking, photo on aluminium and tempera on canvas, at Museum CAB Burgos
Karin Bos, detail installation view. In the middle; Flowergirl, oil on canvas, 100 x 70 cm, at Museum CAB
Artist talk by Karin Bos on February 8 2020 at Museum CAB

Artist talk by Karin Bos on February 8 2020 at Museum CAB

Artist talk by Karin Bos on February 8 2020 at Museum CAB

Artist talk by Karin Bos on February 8 2020 at Museum CAB

Artist talk by Karin Bos on February 8 2020 at Museum CAB
Artist talk by Karin Bos on February 8 2020 at Museum CAB

Artist talk by Karin Bos on February 8 2020 at Museum CAB
Artist talk by Karin Bos on February 8 2020 at Museum CAB

Artist talk by Karin Bos on February 8 2020 at Museum CAB
Press preview on February 7 2020 at Museum CAB

TV8 filming item about exhibition Karin Bos at Museum CAB
Opening speech by Karin Bos for the public on February 7 2020 at CAB Burgos

Información sobre la exposición en espanol: https://karinbos.blogspot.com/2020/01/karin-bos-exposicion-individual-en.html

Click on the link for video posted by CAB on Vimeo with interview in Spanish, subtitled in English plus sign language, and views from the exhibition. Duration 6.17 minutes: https://vimeo.com/392942489

To order the catalogue contact karinbos@xs4all.nl 
20 euro (add. shipping costs NL 5 euro, International 10 euro)
144 pages full-colour hardcover
Size 16 x 22,5 x 1,5 cm 
With essay by Javier del Campo, director of Museum CAB
Trilingual, Spanish, English and Dutch 
ISBN 978-84-949075-6-2 
Published by Fundacion Caja de Burgos in coop with Karin Bos 
Supported by Jaap Harten Fund

Catalogue Karin Bos
Catalogue Karin Bos 
Catalogue Karin Bos
Catalogue Karin Bos 

Catalogue Karin Bos
Catalogue Karin Bos 

Catalogue Karin Bos
Catalogue Karin Bos 

Catalogue Karin Bos
Catalogue Karin Bos 

Catalogue Karin Bos
Catalogue Karin Bos 

Karin Bos at Museum CAB Burgos
Museo CAB de Burgos
Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Caja de Burgos
Calle Saldaña, S/N, 09003 Burgos, Spain
open: Tuesday - Friday:  11.00h - 14.00h and 17.30h - 20.00h
Saturday:  11.00h - 14.30h and 17.30h - 21.00h
Sunday:  11.30h - 14.30h
free entry
tel +34 947 25 65 50
Special thanks to CAB de Burgos, Fundacion Caja de Burgos, Jaap Harten Fund, Mondriaan Fund, Marti Clerici Fund, Erik Wuthrich, Sarah de Vlam, crew of Museum CAB, especially Javier del Campo. 


some individual works in the show:

Karin Bos, This Land is my land 2, tempera on canvas, 150 x 190 cm, 2017

Karin Bos, Those who wander are not lost 2, gouache and chalk on paper, 80 x 110 cm, 2018

Karin Bos, The artist going to the top, watercolour on paper, 80 x 110 cm, 2011

Karin Bos, This Land is my land 1, tempera on canvas, 150 x 190 cm, 2017
Collection Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Karin Bos, The Abbys, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2015

Karin Bos, The Abbys 2, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2016

Karin Bos, Red Army 2, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2016, collection Museum CAB, Burgos, Spain

Karin Bos, The Lake 2, oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, 2015

Karin Bos, Parade, oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, 2015

Karin Bos, Power House, oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, 2015

Karin Bos, Bar, oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, 2011, private collection, The Netherlands

Karin Bos, Shifting View 2, oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, 2011

Karin Bos, Valparaiso 4, oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm, 2009

Karin Bos, Shifting View, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2010

Karin Bos, Stay or Go, oil on canvas, 85 x 120 cm, 2019

Karin Bos, Ghost Town, oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, 2015
Karin Bos, Jungle Boys, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2019

Karin Bos, Mirror, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2014, collection Factor-IJ, the Netherlands

Karin Bos, Caldera, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2011, collection Museum CAB, Burgos, Spain

Karin Bos, Going Underground 3, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2010, private collection, The Netherlands

Karin Bos, The Pool, oil on canvas, 190 x 150 cm, 2017

Karin Bos, Slightly Creepy Camping Site 8, oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, 2012, private collection, The Netherlands

Karin Bos, Let it go, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2011, private collection, The Netherlands

Karin Bos, De Peiling, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2012

Karin Bos, Marching Girls 2, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2010, private collection, The Netherlands

Karin Bos, Valparaiso 3, oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm, 2009

Karin Bos, Flowergirl, oil on canvas, 100 x 70 cm, 2013, private collection, The Netherlands

Karin Bos, Chica de Flores 1, mixed media on paper, 40 x 30 cm, 2019

Karin Bos, Chica de Flores 2, mixed media on paper, 40 x 30 cm, 2019

Karin Bos, Hablabla, gouache and chalk on paper, 40 x 30 cm, 2019

Karin Bos, Back to Base Camp 14 (private collection NL), gouache on paper, 38 x 56 cm, 2016, for the complete series of 30 pieces visit: http://karinbos.blogspot.com/2018/01/back-to-base-camp-by-karin-bos.html

For inquiries, availability, prices, studio visits, etc. contact karinbos@freedom.nl