People have always been my central focus point. However, the last years their setting in nature has become more prominent. Landscapes and outdoor life became part of my work too. But even when there are no people in sight, there is still the suggestion of their presence.
Karin Bos, The Pack, oil on canvas, 80 x 120 cm, 2020, private collection, the Netherlands
Karin Bos, Vaporized Waterfall, oil on canvas, 120 x 160 cm, 2020 |
Karin Bos, Girl Cave, oil on canvas, 45 x 65 cm, 2020 |
Karin Bos, HOI (Hazardous Object Identifier), oil on canvas, 45 x 65 cm, 2020, private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Into the woods, oil on canvas, 45 x 65 cm, 2020, private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Stay or go, oil on canvas, 85 x 120 cm, 2019
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 |
Karin Bos, The Abyss 2, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2016
On view at CODA Museum Nov 5 2017 - March 4 2018
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 On view at Museum De Domijnen Dec 13 2020- Jan 31 2021 |
Karin Bos, Tree girl 5, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2016, private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Red Army 2, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2016
On view at CODA Museum Nov 5 2017 - March 4 2018
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 collection Museum CAB, Burgos, Spain |
Karin Bos, Watering waterlilies, oil on canvas, 120 x 85 cm, 2016, collection DELA, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, The Abyss, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2015
On view at CODA Museum Nov 5 2017 - March 4 2018
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 |
Karin Bos, Ghost town, oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, 2015
On view at CODA Museum Nov 5 2017 - March 4 2018
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 |
Karin Bos, Lake 2, oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, 2015
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 |
Karin Bos, Blindspot, oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, 2015
On view at CODA Museum Nov 5 2017 - March 4 2018
private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, The Collector, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2015, collection DELA, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Treegirls 4, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2015
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 |
Karin Bos, Powerhouse, oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, 2015
On view at CODA Museum Nov 5 2017 - March 4 2018
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 |
Karin Bos, Red Army, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2015
On view at CODA Museum Nov 5 2017 - March 4 2018, private collection, the Netherlands
Karin Bos, Lost 2, oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, 2014
On view at CODA Museum Nov 5 2017 - March 4 2018, private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Mirror, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2014
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020, collection factor-IJ, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Lonely islands, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2013. Part of solo show at Stedelijk Museum Kampen in 2014. |
Karin Bos, Treegirls 3, oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, 2014, Collection DELA, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Shelter, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2012 |
Karin Bos, Caldera, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2011
Part of solo show at Stedelijk Museum Kampen in 2014
On view at CODA Museum Nov 5 2017 - March 4 2018
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 collection Museum CAB, Burgos, Spain |
Karin Bos, Dropping, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2011, private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Snow storm 2, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2011, private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Going underground 3, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2010
Part of group show at Gemeentemuseum Den Haag in 2013
On view at CODA Museum Nov 5 2017 - March 4 2018
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 Private collection, The Netherlands
Karin Bos, Marching girls 2, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2010
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020, private collection, The Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Shifting view, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2010
Part of solo show at Stedelijk Museum Kampen in 2014
On view at CODA Museum Nov 5 2017 - March 4 2018
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 |
Karin Bos, Slightly creepy camping site, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2005, private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Happy hunting, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2005, private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, IJsje, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2005, private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Lumberjack girl, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2005, private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Birds, oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, 2006, private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Boommannetje, oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, 2006 |
Karin Bos, The ritual, oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, 2006, collection Everhaert Advocaten, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Slightly creepy camping site 2, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2007, private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Slightly creepy camping site 3, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2007, collection PKU, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, For better or worse, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2007, private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Going underground 2, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2007.
Part of solo show at Stedelijk Museum Kampen in 2014. |
Karin Bos, Slightly creepy camping site 4, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2007 |
Karin Bos, Slightly creepy camping site 9, oil on canvas, 20 x 28 cm, 2013,
private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, The artists' studio, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2008, private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Slightly creepy camping site 5, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2008 |
Karin Bos, Slightly creepy camping site 6, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2008.
Part of solo show at Stedelijk Museum Kampen in 2014. |
Karin Bos, Schuurtje (Cabin), oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2008.
Part of solo show at Stedelijk Museum Kampen in 2014. |
Karin Bos, Snow storm, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2008
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 |
Karin Bos, Shelter 2, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2013, collection CBK Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Slightly creepy camping site 10, oil on canvas, 20 x 28 cm, 2015
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020, private collection, the Netherlands
Karin Bos, Lost, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2009, collection CBK Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
Text by Jacobine Huisken about the painting 'Lost':
Bos’ schilderijen zijn vaak opgebouwd uit verschillende lagen verf
over elkaar heen, waardoor een uiterst subtiel kleurgebruik ontstaat,
met heel verschillende emotionele waarden. De onderlaag is warm
oranje en daarboven brengt zij koele groene en zwarte tinten aan. De
bovenste witte verflaag van de (verlaten?) bus steekt daar weer
schril tegen af. Is de bus gestrand met een paar argeloze toeristen
die uren op hulp hebben moeten wachten? Verontrustende beelden zoals
in de film “Into the wild” uit 2007 dringen zich aan ons op. In
deze film vormde een verlaten bus in Alaska voor de rondtrekkende
adolescent een tijdelijke beschutting. Tot een inschattingsfout hem
fataal wordt. Karin Bos maakt hier haar eigen film in één beeld,
waarbij de toeschouwer alleen maar naar de afloop kan raden.
Karin Bos, Lumberjack, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2009,
private collection the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Untitled (pinguin), oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2009, private collection the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, White night, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, 2009, collection CBK Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
Text by Jacobine Huisken about the painting 'White
Bos (1966) schildert ogenschijnlijk lieflijke taferelen. Een groepje
herten in een open heideveld met bomen opdoemend in de verte. In het
midden staat verdwaald een klein bed met een liggende persoon, lekker
ingestopt onder de dekens.
het een ufo is zo onwezenlijk is dit element in het zacht glooiende
landschap. Twee herten eromheen zoeken voorzichtig toenadering. Een
derde hert staat op ‘de uitkijk’.
komen we niet te weten over deze persoon in het bed, behalve dat zijn
of haar hoofd even zwart is als de ijzeren poten van het bed. Gaat
het hier om de echte huidskleur of is er meer met het lichaam aan de
fluoriserende avondrood blijft achter de bomen hangen en werpt een
wijnrood licht op het ledikant. Zoals ook uit de titel ‘White
Night’ blijkt verwijst dit suggestieve licht naar de lange
zomerdagen in het noorden van Europa, wanneer de zon niet onder gaat.
Karin Bos kreeg voor dit werk inspiratie tijdens een verblijf in een
afgelegen dorpje in Letland, maar voor het landschap gebruikte zij de
Utrechtse Heuvelrug als model.
Karin Bos, This land is my land 1, tempera on canvas, 150 x 190 cm, 2017
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 Collection Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
Karin Bos, This land is my land 2, tempera on canvas, 150 x 190 cm, 2017
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 |
Karin Bos, The Pool, oil on canvas, 190 x 150 cm, 2017
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 |
Karin Bos, Those who wander are not lost, gouache and chalk on paper, 102 x 66 cm, 2017, Collection Gasunie, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Those who wander are not lost 2, gouache and chalk on paper, 66 x 102 cm, 2018
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 |
Karin Bos, Those who wander are not lost 3, gouache and chalk on paper, 66 x 102 cm, 2018, private collection, Belgium |
Karin Bos, Expedition Nature, gouache, screenprint, ink on paper, 30 x 40 cm, edition 40, commission CODA Museum 'MuseumVriendenPrent' 2018. |
Karin Bos, Red Army 3, gouache on paper, 56 x 76 cm, 2018, private collection, the Netherlands |
Karin Bos, Jungle boys, oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2019
On view at Museo CAB Feb 7 2020 - Sep 20 2020 |
Parade, oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, 2015 |